Vicki Lane has announced the closure of her ladies fashion boutique on Kings Road at the end of January due to ill health.
Harrogate fashion boutique set to close Victoria Lane Fashions of Harrogate has announced it is set to close at the end of January. Vicki Lane has announced the imminent closure of the ladies fashion boutique on Kings Road due to ill health. She spent last week contacting her regular customers to tell them the news and thank them for their custom over the years. The closing down sale has now started, with items reduced by up to 75% of the original price. As time goes on further stock will be added into the sale and there will be even more offers available. She said:
"My aim is to give my customers the opportunity to purchase the remaining stock at fantastic prices and to close the doors on an empty shop. "I am so sad about having to close but it is the only option as I'm unable to give my customers the service I've provided for so many years. "As I am telling my customers, the success of my business couldn't have happened without them and it will be a wrench to say goodbye. I really want to thank them so much for supporting me through thick and thin."From a school girl whose ambition was to become a police officer, Vicki forged an unintentional but very successful career in fashion, along the way working for Crofts, the Escada boutique, Hewletts and finally Bleyle, where she spent many happy years working as a personal shopper. When that shop closed Vicki decided it was time to strike out on her own and started looking for premises. She found a vacant unit in Kings Road, Harrogate and Victoria Lane launched there in 2006. The business grew rapidly, outgrowing the space available, so Vicki moved three doors along the road to larger premises where she has been for the past 14 years. Over that time she expanded the stock by searching out designers throughout Europe and the shop has stocked collections from more than twenty high quality brands, some of which were not available anywhere else in the UK. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.