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Starbeck church keeping Christmas traditions alive with virtual services

St Andrew's Church in Starbeck will be hosting virtual Christmas services this year having been forced to cancel their usual schedule due to Covid.

A church in Starbeck will be hosting a variety of virtual Christmas services this year, having been forced to cancel their usual schedule due to the pandemic. St Andrew's Church will be streaming a nativity and carol service on Sunday 20th December via YouTube and Facebook, as well as their Christingle Service on Christmas Eve. There will also be the usual Midnight Communion at 11:30pm, albeit virtually this year, and a Christmas Day service at 10am. https://twitter.com/RachWilliams20/status/1338799201954787328 Rev Phil Carman from St Andrews Church said:

"Like most churches we've been going online since the start of lockdown and it's been a big learning curve for everybody! We've been lucky in that someone from our congregation is very good with technology and uses it in his day job, so we've been able to do things in terms of video content for YouTube and Facebook. "We all recognised as Christmas got closer that we wouldn't be able to do Christmas as we normally would, we usually get lots of families in for the nativity and carol services, so we decided to take things online and invite all the community."
In order to allow families to take part in the traditional Christingle service from home, St Andrews Church have created a Christingle Pack that includes a ribbon, candle, cocktail sticks and sweets in order to make a Christingle - all you need is an orange! Phil added:
"It's a big tradition here in Starbeck that every Christmas Eve we have this big service and there's usually so many people coming we have to do it twice to fit everyone in! "I think for a lot of families it's the only church service they'll go to at Christmas, maybe even throughout the whole year, so it is really important. We try to make it fun and engaging for the children but it's having those quieter moments when we saw a prayer that is really significant for people. "It won't be the same this year but we hope to capture some of that wonder and excitement and Christmas magic within our virtual service."
Families can tune in to the Christingle Service from 3pm on Christmas Eve via the St Andrews Church YouTube channel or Facebook page. Find out more about the virtual services online here. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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