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Your Harrogate Business Focus: BAR Events UK

Dan Lakin decided to ‘Travel around the World in 80 drinks’. We caught up with him for this week's Business Focus to find out why...

Introducing: Dan Lakin Company name: BAR Events UK Company website: www.bareventsuk.com Social Media: @bargroupuk (Instagram/Facebook)

When the hospitality sector closed down in March this year, Dan Lakin’s teepee company stopped all their events, so he decided to ‘Travel around the World in 80 drinks’. We caught up with him for this week's Business Focus to find out why...

When was the company founded and how has it grown? BAR Events UK, as the company it is today, was founded in 2015. It all started out as BAR Staff UK in 2005 and grew into a full-fledged events company. From the humble beginnings of supplying ‘Bar And Restaurant Staff’ to private parties and events across the UK, we steadily grew into supplying mobile bars for all kinds of events and small festivals to then investing in teepees, furniture, and other event equipment. Why do you stand out from your competition? We’re one of the few to have all these services under one roof so when you book us for teepees and bars we’re there on the day to help your event run smoothly from start to finish. How has Covid affected your business and how did you cope? In March we were forced to close like the rest of the UK due to Covid, unfortunately unlike all other sectors in the UK, we haven’t been able to reopen. We have moved our bar services online offering virtual masterclasses and this is where “Around the World in 80 Drinks” was formed! Every week I go live on YouTube to firstly show our viewers how to make a cocktail, then I speak to a drinks professional somewhere on the planet. We’ve been to some amazing places and chatted to some amazing professionals all over the globe - Bahamas, Santorini, Korea, Indonesia, Africa and across the USA to name just a few! Who would you most like to have a drink with and why? Frank Sinatra in Vegas! I’m really intrigued in the Vegas scene of the 50's and I really like his music. Not only that but many drinks were created in this era, so I’d love to experience the bar scene back then. What advice would you give the next generation starting their careers? Find something you love doing and you’ll never work a day in your life. Why do you like doing business in Yorkshire? Well, being an outdoorsy business - the views! Yorkshire people are the best too. What was the best thing to come out of the Covid restrictions for your business? Once I’d worked out our plan to survive and the finances were no longer a worry, spreading positivity to the world through ‘Around the World in 80 Drinks’ was my passion. It’s reassuring to hear we’re all in the same boat, and it’s nice to know I’ve brightened up someone’s day by reaching out to them and chatted to them about a passion we both share in drinks and bartending. To then film a chat between us and spread the fun and positivity across the world is even better. Having covered so many countries already I’m really excited to see where we’ll have been after 80 drinks! Name your favourite local business and explain what makes them special. During Lockdown ‘Soul & Co’ in Burley in Wharfedale ran a great initiative where they walked and cycled to people’s houses to capture door step photos. Like us they suffered with the event industry crashing to a close and their ability to bounce back was amazing and inspiring.

Check out how to make a Singapore Sling and Dan chatting with a bar in Korea here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU6vbNIcrW0&t=1584s

Would you like to feature your business in the Your Harrogate Business Focus? Email Claire Strachan (claire@clairestrachan.co.uk) for your chance to get involved.

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