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What extra-curricular activities are on offer at Harrogate Grammar?

Harrogate Grammar School pride themselves on the wealth of extra-curricular opportunities available including music, drama, debating and sport.

We hear from Sixth Form students at Harrogate Grammar about extra-curricular activities at the school. Harrogate Grammar are holding a Virtual Open Event for their Sixth Form at 6pm on Thursday 12th November. If you're deciding on which school to attend for Sixth Form, it's important to make the right decision. That's why you'll want to look beyond the subjects and the curriculum, and look at new things you can try and passions you can explore through extra-curricular activities. Harrogate Grammar School pride themselves on the wealth of extra-curricular opportunities available for students inside and outside of school hours, including music lessons, Duke of Edinburgh, debating & public speaking and various sports. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/HGS_Sixth-Form-promo-video-final-1.mp4"][/video] 16-year-old Sixth Form student Jacob recalls taking part in the school play in Year 7:

"The community is something that you can really see through the extra curricular activities. I took part in the school show when I was in Year 7 and was really nervous about being the youngest there, looking at sixth formers in their suits, year 11's with different ties, but it was great that everyone was so nice. "I didn't feel like I was 12, I felt like I was part of the team."
As a student who has attended Harrogate Grammar from the age of 11, Jacob chose to stay on for his Sixth Form studies, and told us how life at the school has differed as he has got older:
"The responsibility grows as you progress through the school and now I'm in the Sixth Form, the freedom was the standout thing for me. "What you can wear, what choices you can make, and as I started to grow up that's when I started to enjoy school, as it was what I actually wanted to do."
[caption id="attachment_3116" align="alignnone" width="2118"] Matt Roberts, Year 13 student at Harrogate Grammar School.[/caption]

Harrogate Grammar’s Virtual Open Event

The virtual open event will take place on Thursday 12th November, and will offer students and parents the opportunity to hear from the Director of Sixth Form and Headteacher of Harrogate Grammar School, see subject presentations, meet students and experience the first class facilities navigating round a 3D tour. They have a large team dedicated to supporting students throughout their Sixth Form journey, offering specialist academic guidance, careers advice, and welfare support. With 40 subjects to choose from, students are offered support and guidance that enables each individual to achieve their potential. In addition, the Sixth Form provides specialist pathways such as Medical Sciences; Business & Enterprise; Education, Training & Public Services; STEM; Art & Creative Industries and Law. The Sixth Form facilities, including a fully refurbished study centre and enhanced social space, along with the use of iPads for learning provide a stimulating and inspiring environment for students as they pursue the exciting experience of Sixth Form life. To find out more about Harrogate Grammar School or for more details on their Virtual Open Event, head to their website. Alternatively contact the school on 01423 535235 or email sixthform@harrogategrammar.co.uk Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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