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WATCH: How is the second lockdown affecting small businesses in Harrogate?

With some businesses moving online, offering takeaways or closing completely for lockdown - what are the plans for small businesses in Harrogate?

The second national lockdown means non-essential shops, pubs, bars and restaurants will all be closing tomorrow. So with some businesses choosing to move online, others offering takeaways and some having to close completely for four weeks - what are the plans for small businesses in Harrogate? The Cheeseboard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t2jrWWuR1k&feature=youtu.be The Cheeseboard in Harrogate will remain open as normal, from 9am-5pm Monday to Saturday. The shop have safety measures in place, including limiting customers to only two in the shop at once and PPE for all staff at all times. The Cheeseboard will also be offering home deliveries to HG1, HG2, and HG3 postcodes on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Gemma, Owner at The Cheeseboard, said:

"I think people are definitely more careful about coming into town - I've seen a lot more face masks around, so thats why we want to offer delivery services for people who do want to stay at home."
Speaking about her reaction when she discovered The Cheeseboard was able to stay open, she said:
"It was mixed emotions, because so many other shops are suffering and we are one of the luckier ones. "We're trying to think outside the box to ensure our business survives. It's been tough, but it's been a rollercoaster."
Find the Cheeseboard online and on Facebook. The Luxe Company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlJNQ1nHwN8 The Luxe Company on West Park in Harrogate are being forced to close due to the lockdown restrictions, meaning their doors will shut at 5pm today (Wednesday) until the end of the lockdown. Reacting to the new lockdown measures, Brian Marshall, Director at the Luxe Company, said:
"It's been a bit of a nightmare really, we only opened in September last year and if we'd have known what was coming down the pipe with Covid, we probably wouldn't have opened at all! "Fortunately we had an online presence before opening the shop here in Harrogate, so we're able to go back to being an online business."
Find the Luxe Company online and on Facebook. North Bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m02uo4tIgHY North Bar in Harrogate are being forced to close due to new restrictions, and are hosting a ‘last pint’ for staff and a few of their closest regulars. The bar will close at 10pm today (Wednesday) before they are forced to close their doors for the four week national lockdown. Speaking about the restrictions, General Manager Deborah said:
"I’m upset and a bit confused because I really wanted to keep the bar open, either just as a shop or a click-and-collect. “It’s been a surprise for all of us. We’ve been really strict about all the restrictions, sanitising all the time, face coverings, social distancing to make sure we’re safe.”
Find the North Bar online and on Facebook for updates. Redline Specialist Cars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PgIysOuj_I&feature=youtu.be As the new restrictions come into place, tomorrow will see Redline Specialist Cars close their showroom in Harrogate. The business will be offering a click and collect system, whilst also delivering cars free of charge across the UK. John Graeme at Redline Specialist Cars said:
"The cars will arrive fully prepared, fully sanitised and directly to their home, saving them all the time and expense to come and collect. "We've just got to push on through the next month. We've got to do what we can to keep ourselves safe, we've got to shop local, but more important from a business perspective, we've got to support our customers."
Find Redline online and on Facebook here. Synergy Hair [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FdcFjzLU68&t=1s[/embed] Like other hair and beauty businesses across the country, Synergy Hair are having to close their doors for the second lockdown. Sarah Ulyett, Owner at Synergy Hair, told us how the final day before lockdown has been in the salon:
"It's been absolutely crazy! People have been desperately trying to get their hair and beauty bits done, so it's just been so busy."
Speaking about the announcement at the weekend, Sarah said:
"On Saturday I was extremely upset about it, however I understand and I want to get rid of this virus, I don't want to live my life like this - I don't think anybody does - and if this is what it takes then we've all got to stick together and do it."
Find Synergy Hair online and on Facebook. The Yorkshire Hotel, Scran Restaurant and The White Hart Hotel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQAfv1IKODg&feature=youtu.be The rules around the second national lockdown mean that The Yorkshire Hotel and Scran Restaurant in Harrogate will be forced to close as of tomorrow (Thursday). However The White Hart Hotel will remain open to continue their takeaway service, which they're set to 'ramp up', whilst also offering support for the NHS Nightingale Hospital and key workers if needed. Simon Cotton, Managing Director of the HRH Group which includes The Yorkshire Hotel, Scran and The White Hart in Harrogate, said:
"Here at the White Hart we're going to be doing what we did last time, which was stay open for key workers, essential travel and will be there to support NHS Nightingale and Harrogate Hospital if they need it. "We didn't close our takeaway down, but we're ramping it back up and adding a few more delivery drivers - so you may see me out being a delivery man again in the next few weeks!"
Speaking about the mood among guests and staff in Harrogate, Simon added:
"We just feel like we're moving from week to week not knowing what's happening, which is causing frustration for us - to not be able to plan anything or communicate with our staff... "We're hoping for Christmas, we want to promote that and we're confident that we'll be able to deliver it in a very safe way and I'm confident the nation will be back open for it but people are nervous about booking for sure."
Find the Yorkshire Hotel, Scran Restaurant and White Hart Hotel online for more information. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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