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Seventeen Going Under

Top Halloween tips for parents

Whether you’re staying at home or hitting the streets with your kids, we've compiled a list of all the best Halloween tips for parents!

It's that time of year again and Halloween is almost upon us, with children set to flood the streets in their hunt for sweets and chocolate (government restrictions willing!) The more-prepared parents among us will have stocked up with treats long ago, but for most of us, Halloween involves a mad scramble to the shops and scouring the internet for the best costume ideas! Whether you’re staying at home or hitting the streets with your kids, here's all the top Halloween tips for parents: Costumes [caption id="attachment_1802" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Check out our safety tips for Halloween costumes![/caption] Beware of tripping hazards - Mummies and corpse brides beware! Try to avoid low drooping outfits that can cause tripping. Masks or facepaint? - If your child’s mask is making it hard to see, consider making the switch to face paint (although double check any allergies first) Reflective tape anyone? - Consider adding strips of reflective tape to your child's costume or their basket so they're visible in the dark! Avoid sharp props - Some of the best Halloween characters come with iconic props, but try and avoid the sharper props if you can. Coupled with a trip-hazard costume they could be an accident waiting to happen! Wrap up warm - October is cold, make sure your kids don’t dress up to be scary at the expense of staying warm. Leaving the house Head out early if possible - It’s going to get dark quick, so head out early if you can! You’ll also get first dibs on all the best sweets… Grab a torch - Make sure your own child or someone they’re trick-or-treating with has a torch with fresh batteries. You want people to be able to see those scary costumes in the dark! Accompany small children - A parent or guardian should head out with the younger ones to keep an eye on things Set a time to call it a night - Send out your scary little monsters with a hometime and route in mind. People will run out of sweets as the night goes on, so set a time to get home and tuck into the night’s takings. Trick or treating [caption id="attachment_764" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Will you be decorating your house this year?[/caption] Good things come to those who wait! - Make sure your trick-or-treaters wait until they get home to tuck into their sweets. You want to be able to keep an eye on what they’ve been given! Stock up - Head to the shops beforehand and grab as many sweets as you’ll need. You don’t want to see that look of disappointment when you have to tell children you’ve run out! The ’signal’ - If the inevitable happens and you run out of sweets, adopt the universal ’signal’ and turn off your porch lights. It'll let all the trick-or-treaters know to bypass your house. And that’s it! Halloween is one of the most exciting time of the year for kids but it’s important to keep safe. So have fun, stay aware and grab as many sweets as you can carry! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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