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The Harrogate woman supporting mums and helping them 'feel good' through lockdown

Mum2Me is the Harrogate business determined to support mums throughout lockdown by giving them something to look forward to.

A woman from Harrogate is determined to help as many mums as she possibly can throughout lockdown, by providing a sense of community and giving them something to look forward to each day. Ashley Galton created ‘Mum2Me’ to give mums somewhere they can feel comfortable and welcomed, whilst enjoying the friendly atmosphere of their non-judgemental meet-ups and fitness classes. All the organised meet-ups are intended to be enjoyable and fun, giving all members a much-needed few hours out of the day when they can look forward to some "me" time. After setting up the business in January last year, Ashley suffered with depression during the first two national lockdowns and has since been keen to get mums talking about how they are feeling and to reach out if they are struggling with their mental health. Mum2Me currently offers a variety of fitness classes, Mummy Miracle mornings, WhatsApp groups to meet new mums, walking buddies, and other online zoom events. [caption id="attachment_6157" align="alignnone" width="2560"] One of the popular swim meet-ups at Mum2Me (pre-Covid!)[/caption] Ashley said:

"The further we get into lockdown, the worse it’s getting, and the more people are struggling. Being a mum can be very lonely at times anyway, but lockdown has made most days extremely isolated and difficult for so many amazing mums out there. "If I can help even just a few incredible mums get through lockdown, by providing some enjoyment and feel-good classes every day, then this will make me one happy little lady."
Under normal circumstances, the group would meet at least four times a week at some of Harrogate’s venues including NJ’s, Geek bar and the squash club. Before lockdown Ashley had organised several events and meet-ups including outdoor swims at Rudding park, teddy bears picnics on the Stray, family Sunday lunches, school holiday parties, events for all the family and mums’ nights out. https://www.facebook.com/103244241070832/videos/288815865900098 Ashley said.
 "I started Mum2Me after experiencing difficult times after I had my daughter who is now 2-years-old. I had no friends that had had babies at the same as me, and this brand-new world of motherhood was rather lonely and scary. "I would go to groups and classes and feel so uncomfortable not knowing anyone and would sit on my own desperately wanting to meet other mums. "When my daughter was just 6 months old, I ended up getting postnatal depression and had no idea I had it until my mum pointed it out to me. I was so ashamed at the time and felt like such a failure, I barely knew what post-natal depression was, and had never heard of any other mum say that they had been through it. I now know that so many other women go through so many problems, but little people ever speak out loud about it. "You do not choose to have mental health problems; it unfortunately chooses you. If more people start talking about it, it will definitely help others understand that it's ok not to feel okay and make people more aware of mental health."
Ashley added:
"Going to groups is so nerve-racking and can be so daunting, it takes a lot of guts to get up and go for the first time. I promise any mum who makes that gutsy move and comes to join us mummies at Mum2Me, you will never look back. We want to help making friends easy, we want you to have incredible memories and friends for life."
[caption id="attachment_6159" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] An outdoor class at Mum2Me[/caption] Mum2Me has taken off since launching last year and has grown to over 70 members, and with more than 1,500 followers on social media. Mum2Me offers a variety of options for all mums and all aged children, who are looking to socialise and meet up with others in the same situation as them and it is proving massively popular across the Harrogate district. Ashley added:
"Lockdown will not stop us Mum2Me Mummies, we still have a diary full of plans and daily classes to look forward too. "The WhatsApp groups are amazing for all mums to still be able to meet new people and get to know them in messages and as walking buddies. Nobody should be going through lockdown alone."
To become a Mum2Me member or to find out more about the services they offer, find them online here or get in touch via Facebook or Instagram. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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