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The best ways to beat 'Crimbo Limbo'

Crimbo Limbo' is the period of time between Boxing Day and New Year, often spent eating chocolate and wondering what day it is. And after the excitement of the festive period, those few days can really drag and leave us filled with boredom. So what can we do to beat 'Crimbo Limbo' and keep ourselves occupied before the New Year? Go for a Winter walk If you've spent most of the festive period indulging yourself, and maybe a bit of time before that as well, there's no better way to get yourself feeling good than a Winter walk. The fresh air is perfect for your mental and physical health, and it's a great way to burn off at least some of those chocolates. Read a book If you didn't get a book for Christmas then now's the time to invest in one! If you're slightly bored with watching the same films on TV every year, then settle in with a new book - we all know reading is good for you! Post-Christmas sales A great way to spend those vouchers you got for Christmas, or just to treat yourself after a long and difficult year. There's plenty of sales between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve - and plenty of bargains to be had... Use up your leftovers Now you might have already done this, or the more efficient among us will have had none at all, but eating/reusing your leftovers is a great way to pass the time whilst clearing out all that Christmas clutter in your cupboards. There are plenty of recipes that can help you use up some of the leftover foods - or alternatively you could donate them to a local food bank! Get a headstart on your New Year's Resolution Who said that New Year's Resolutions have to wait until New Year? If you're aiming to lose some weight, get a headstart and go for a run. If you're aiming to read more, get started on that new book. Whatever your resolution is, now's the time to make some progress! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.  

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