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Stats reveal 184km of hair will be cut off next week as salons reopen

Hair salons are set to cut off around 184km of hair when they are able to reopen next week, according to statistics. 

Hair salons are set to cut off around 184km of hair when they are able to reopen next week, according to statistics. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced earlier this week that hair salons will be able to reopen for business from Monday 12th April. And hair transplant specialists Vera Clinic have discovered that around 2.4 million haircuts will take place on Monday alone - with an average of 56 per salon. https://www.facebook.com/barberandmack/posts/2620508448248188 Statistics show that 184km of hair will be chopped across the UK's 43,000 hair salons - the equivalent of 4.4 laps of the London Marathon circuit, or the distance from London to Birmingham! And if each person lining up to have their hair cut loses an average of 3 inches, the total will be more than 7.2 million inches cut off in total. Boris Johnson confirmed that significant parts of the indoor economy and further outdoor settings will reopen from Monday 12th April after data confirmed the government’s 'four tests' for easing Covid restrictions had been met. Confirmation that Step 2 of the roadmap would proceed came after the measures were agreed at a Cabinet meeting on Easter Monday (5th April). Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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