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St Michael's 'Light up a Life' remembrance event to go ahead virtually

St Michael's Hospice's 'Light up a Life' will be held virtually this year, allowing families to remember and pay tribute to loved ones.

A Harrogate District hospice charity has adapted their much-loved Christmas remembrance event to ensure that local people can come together, even when they may be apart.

For more than two decades the community has made Saint Michael’s Light up a Life a meaningful part of their Christmas tradition, remembering and paying tribute to loved ones, while supporting local families living with terminal illness to make the most of their time together over the festive season.

This year, the charity is inviting local people to a virtual event to be streamed online here at 5pm today (Sunday 13th December) and to dedicate a light on the charity’s virtual Christmas tree in memory of someone in their thoughts this Christmas.

[caption id="attachment_3375" align="aligncenter" width="1363"] "Light up a life" will be held virtually this year.[/caption]

Chief Executive of Saint Michael’s, Tony Collins, said:

"In this year like no other, taking the time to reflect and remember loved ones is more important than ever – and whilst we are unable to gather together in the same way, we have given careful thought to how we can embrace the spirit of Light up a Life, while keeping our community as safe as possible.

"As in previous years, you will once again be able to reflect, remember and take a moment for you. Light up a Life symbolises and means so much for the people who take part in it, and for Saint Michael’s. Every year is different but every year shares common characteristics, including laughter, tears and reflection.

"This year, for the very first time you’ll have the opportunity to see your light shining brightly on our new and beautiful virtual tree. Each light will sparkle in tribute to a special person and will shine throughout the festive season as a symbol of hope and love.

"The treasured memories we have of loved ones never leave us but remain a strong and real part of our daily lives. As well as helping these memories shine on, making a dedication and donation to Saint Michael’s as part of this year’s Light up a Life will enable your local hospice care charity to continue providing our community with the support they need, want and deserve in the most difficult of times."

Those making a dedication will receive a special pack including a star for their tree at home. Saint Michael’s tree will be illuminated as part of a unique online film production of Light up a Life taking place at 5pm today (13th December) here: https://youtu.be/lLl15GWW_xk

To dedicate a light and receive your special memory star, visit www.saintmichaelshospice.org, call Saint Michael’s on 01423 878628 or email  supportercare@saintmichaelshospice.org.

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