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Pancake Day tips from Yorkshire chef Steph Moon

Yorkshire chef Steph Moon is on hand with some tips and advice on having the flippin' best Pancake Day 2021!

It's Pancake Day 2021 and your chance to indulge on some sweet treats in the name of tradition. But before you get started, we caught up with local celebrity chef Steph Moon to get some advice to make sure it's a flippin' good day! Check out Steph's guide to Pancake Day 2021 and some tips and tricks to try at home... https://twitter.com/your_harrogate/status/1361657139991883777?s=21 Steph's 'basic batter' recipe To kick us off, here's Steph's 'basic batter' to make the perfect pancake: 120g Plain flour 2 x Eggs 200ml of Milk 2 x tbsp water Pinch of salt 'Pancake Art' Now this is a great way to jazz up those ordinary-looking pancakes and make them a work of art! It's also a nice way for the kids to get involved and allows them to create some funky pancake designs. Steph tells us how she adds drinking chocolate to her batter and squirts some arty designs into her pancakes: [audio mp3="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Steph-pancake-art.mp3"][/audio] Savoury Pancakes Now we move onto something that can divide opinion on Shrove Tuesday - savoury pancakes. If 2021 is your year for trying something a bit different, this could be the way to go says Steph:

"Seafood pancakes... We all remember back in the 80's seafood pancakes were a thing when you went to the pub! "You can make a bechamel sauce, you pop in your prawns or smoked haddock and roll it a bit like a cannelloni. You then add a bit of cheese on top and put it under the grill - gorgeous."
Other Pancake Variations According to Steph, there's so much more you can do with pancakes, including American-style and buttermilk variations:
"Looking at American-style pancakes, you can add streaky bacon, maple syrup or fresh fruit like blueberries and bananas. But just remember with American-style pancakes that you need to add baking powder, some vanilla essence and caster sugar into the mix. "Another one you can do is use buttermilk instead of ordinary milk and you can make buttermilk pancakes with a nice tangy difference."
But when it all comes down to it, Steph says it's all about getting together and having fun with food: [audio mp3="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Pancake-day-steph-2.mp3"][/audio] Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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