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Mental health guide to coping with lockdown

The mental side of a lockdown can be quite overwhelming. Here are a few tips and bits of advice to help you cope through lockdown 3.

Here we are again, a third lockdown is now in full swing and we're having to fall back into a slower and more restricted lifestyle (unless you're a key worker of course!). But as some of us may have experienced during the previous two lockdowns, the mental side of things can be quite overwhelming at times. With that in mind, we've put together some small tips and bits of advice to help you cope through the third national lockdown: Around the home Lighting - Something as small as turning on the lights on dark and dreary days can have a huge impact on your mental health. Research has shown that light improves mood and energy levels, while poor lighting contributes to depression and other deficiencies in the body. News intake - Some of us may have discovered this one during the last two lockdowns, but limiting the amount of time you spend looking at social media and watching the news can help you switch off from what's happening every now and again. Take time for yourself - Being locked-down as a family can have some overwhelming benefits, but it's also important to take time for yourself. Whether it's having a relaxing bath or reading a book, taking time to engage in some self-care is only going to benefit your mental health. [caption id="attachment_3113" align="alignnone" width="1920"] Taking time for yourself is important - whether it's reading a book and having a nice relaxing bath.[/caption] Daily habits Plan your week - Take some time to plan your week and keep your schedule as busy as possible. Plan in some activities that give you a sense of achievement or pleasure - such as painting that bedroom that's needed doing or clearing out your cupboard under the stairs! Stay Active - This is an important one and something that so many of us embraced during lockdown one. If you're working from home, take a break and go for a walk and try to get at least 15 minutes of exercise per day. Active body means an active mind! Stay connected - We're not saying you need to go back to Zoom quizzing, but staying connected with loved ones is hugely important. Pick up the phone or jump on FaceTime and it'll go a long way towards giving you a positive frame of mind. [caption id="attachment_3109" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Stay connected with family members and friends, whether that's on FaceTime or a good old-fashioned phone call![/caption] Help each other Support others in your household - Maybe your son or daughter needs help with some homework or maybe a sibling has asked for your help with something in the home, helping others can provide you with plenty of positive emotions. Ask for help - If you notice yourself struggling, reach out to family and friends for support. You could even contact a doctor or mental health charity if you think it would help, but don't keep it bottled up. [caption id="attachment_3112" align="alignnone" width="2560"] Ask for help if you need it, there is always support if you're struggling with your mental health.[/caption] And that's it for our mental health guide to a second lockdown. Remember to stay active, stay connected and ask for help if you're struggling and we will get through this (again) together! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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