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Lockdown photo competition winner revealed!

We reveal the winner of the Your Harrogate Photo Competition as Tara, who experienced a shock proposal when out for a lockdown walk!

Throughout the second national lockdown, we at Your Harrogate held a photo competition to see who could capture the best views and the best moments from around the area - with the winner heading to Hotel Du Vin for a luxury overnight stay. And the winner has been revealed as Tara Grant, who, when out for a family walk, was shocked to see her boyfriend Andrew drop down on one knee and ask her to marry him! Thankfully the couple were joined by various family members, with her dad able to capture the moment on camera. Tara recalled the walk around Ribble Valley where Andrew popped the question:

"We went for a walk with all my family and he was walking behind me and said my name - I turned around and he was down on one knee!"
Tara, who has been living in the North for 10 years, is originally from the Midlands, whilst new fiance Andy is from Knaresborough. The couple have been together for five years, and Tara spoke about her shock to see his proposal - particularly after a chat with her dad about it the night before:
"It was a complete shock, I had no idea he was even thinking about it. "Literally the night before I'd been talking to my dad about the fact that we weren't going to get married - so it was a shock! "When I told Andy we'd won he was well impressed - he asked since when do I enter competitions?!"
The couple will be heading for a fitting celebration of their new engagement at Hotel Du Vin in Harrogate, scooping an overnight stay in one of the hotel's signature suits with two roll-top baths and a bottle of champagne! Congratulations to Tara and Andrew, and thanks to everyone who entered our competition - keep your eyes out for the next one! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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