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Knaresborough's last remaining bank closes

Knaresborough has been left without any banks at all as the town's last remaining branch closed it's doors for good.

Knaresborough has been left without any banks at all as the town's last remaining branch closed it's doors for good. The Halifax in Market Place shut permanently yesterday (Monday 1st March), meaning residents wanting to visit a branch of any bank now have to travel to Harrogate or Wetherby. When announcing the closure, Halifax said they've taken the 'difficult decision' as customer's needs are changing. They added that the number of customers using the Knaresborough branch is 54% less than an average branch. The nearest branch for Halifax customers is now on Oxford Street in Harrogate, although some limited transactions can be carried out at any post office, including the one on Knaresborough's High Street. The closure of the Halifax in Knaresborough was due to take place in May 2020, but was delayed by 10 months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking when the closure was first announced last year, the town's MP Andrew Jones said:

“This is disappointing news from the Halifax.  They are closing the last bank in town following an internal review with no consultation with customers.  Knowing that there are often queues outside the Halifax at weekends I do wonder if the people who did the review have any first-hand experience of the branch. “The closure notice highlights that there are only two other bank machines nearby – next to Sainsburys at the bus station and Tescos on the High Street.  Beyond that you have to go to a petrol station quite a way out of the town centre or Starbeck.  Every Wednesday there is market day. Many of Knaresborough's market traders only take cash payments.  This is a slap in the face to those traders. “They also cite the Post Office as a place where people can perform certain functions that they would undertake in the bank.  But the post office has a small number of counters to serve a population of over 15,000.  It simply isn’t adequate”
Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here Picture courtesy of Google Street View 

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