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Knaresborough Bed Race 2021 arrangements put on hold

Knaresborough Lions have put arrangements for the Great Knaresborough Bed Race 2021 on hold due to ongoing uncertainty around Covid-19.

Knaresborough Lions have put arrangements for the Great Knaresborough Bed Race 2021 on hold due to ongoing uncertainty around Covid-19. The famous race was cancelled last year for the first time since the 1960's and moved to a virtual format, however organisers had hoped this year's event may be able to return as normal. The race was due to take place on 12th June 2021, the second Saturday in the month, but plans were scuppered by news of a third national lockdown and put on hold as organisers wait for more information around Covid-19 restrictions. https://www.facebook.com/Bedrace/posts/3038406856246971 Via a statement on their website, organisers Knaresborough Lions have said:

"The reason for this [putting arrangements on hold] is that it is just too early to say when the event will be able to be held. There is so much that is still uncertain about the virus, its vaccines and the likely rules kept in place by the authorities. "Because so much preparation has to start well before the event, not least the training of the teams around the streets, the Lions understand that a clear run up to the event is vital. The horizon has to be clear for June or a later month if that becomes necessary. "The Great Knaresborough Bed Race is one of the brightest lights in the pantheon of major Yorkshire sporting and cross-dressing endeavours. The Lions remain committed to bringing it back. It is now a question of ‘when’ rather than ‘whether’!"
The Knaresborough Lions are hoping to make an announcement before early February to let people know of any progress. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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