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Killinghall Primary reveal safety measures to combat spread of Covid-19

Killinghall C.E Primary School reveal what measures they've put in place to keep pupils and staff safe and prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

Schools across the country reopened in September with new safety measures in place to both prevent the spread of Coronavirus and keep staff and pupils safe. But exactly what measures have been introduced and how well are children sticking to them? We found out from Killinghall C.E Primary School in Harrogate about their new Covid-19 safety measures... Safety measures within school Killinghall C.E Primary have divided their students into 'bubbles', which are small groups that cannot socialise with others. Students mainly stay in their class group but 'bubbles' allow the flexibility for some group work in lessons. Killinghall have also implemented one-way systems in their corridors to ensure children don't pass each other, as well as an increased number of handwashing stations, doors and windows kept open for increased air flow and spraying down tables and chairs after use. Headteacher Sarah Bassitt said:

"We had to put lots and lots of new measures in place, but staff have been absolutely brilliant around that. It's things like one-way systems in corridors, making sure that children aren't passing each other and making sure that hand washing provision is in place. "We're getting through so many paper towels it's almost unbelievable!"
[caption id="attachment_1100" align="alignleft" width="2419"] Killinghall C.E Primary School demonstrate how their 'bubbles' work to maintain social distancing[/caption] Break times At break and lunch times, children are only allowed to play with others in their 'bubble' and cannot socialise with anyone outside of that group. The playground is also divided to ensure groups do not mix and the lunch hall now holds two separate sittings to keep bubbles apart. Sarah Bassitt added:
"We're adamant we want to keep some sort of lunchtime normality, so we have the hall divided into three sections with pathways across to ensure different bubbles don't mix. "Playtimes are very different. Children remain in their bubbles and I think that's the thing they've found the hardest."
Drop off/collection Killinghall have also introduced stricter rules around drop off and collection to ensure bubbles do not mix. Parents are given specific times to drop off children depending on their age and year group, meaning some parents with more than one child may have to leave and return to the school to drop off their kids! Other rules include parents being prohibited from entering the school and from standing and speaking to other parents. Sarah Bassitt added:
"The reality is that when the risk assessment is in place and everyone sticks to it, the school will be as safe as we can possibly make it and that's what matters."
Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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