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Independent shops on Commercial Street named as our latest 'Breakfast Heroes'

This week's 'Breakfast Heroes' are all the fantastic independent retailers on Commercial Street in Harrogate for such a successful reopening week!

As part of our Breakfast Heroes with Nature's Little Learners, we at Your Harrogate want to shine a light on all those epic people who epitomise the town's community spirit. And this week's Breakfast Heroes are all the fantastic independent retailers on Commercial Street in Harrogate for such a successful reopening week! Presenter Nick Hancock was joined on air this morning by Sue Kramer, Owner of Crown Jewellers, on behalf of the retailers on Commercial Street. Sue told us how it's been for Crown Jewellers since reopening day:

"It has been amazing - we've had fantastic customers who have waited for us to open so that they could come and see us with their repairs and to buy special presents for birthdays and things like that. "We even on our first day had a wonderful customer who came in with a rose plant and two bars of chocolate - she knows us well!"
https://twitter.com/Commercial_St/status/1381863134013571072 The street, which has 26 shops, has been a hive of activity this week after reopening day on Monday (12th April). Two new shops have opened this week in VicToria Beauty Specialist and Bo Grove - plus the addition of a brand new pop-up shop from Harrogate Town AFC has made the street as busy as ever! Sue added:
"You can come and pamper and groom because we've got barbers and beauty specialists, and you can come and have food because we've got the fabulous Lilly's cafe. "And of course shopping - how amazing for people to be able to get out for the first time and come into real shops and deal with real people. "Who'd have thought 18 months ago that just having a simple conversation with people would be such a simple pleasure that we would take for granted!"
Listen to the full chat as Nick Hancock was joined by Sue Kramer from Crown Jewellers on Commercial Street: [audio mp3="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Bfast-hero-sue-kramer.mp3"][/audio] Do you know someone who is a Breakfast Hero and deserves recognition? It could be a keyworker, teacher, carer, family member or even a neighbour who has really helped out and deserves some recognition. Nominate your breakfast hero here and you could be joining us on Your Harrogate to give them a great big thank you! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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