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How much is the fine for breaking lockdown rules?

With so many people choosing to flout lockdown rules in the past - just how much can you be fined? And what of repeat offenders?

With the rate of infection continuing to rise across the UK, lockdown rules are now firmly in place to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.But with so many people choosing to flout rules in the past - just how much can you be fined? And what of repeat offenders? Fines People over the age of 18 can be fined up to £200 for their first offence, which is then lowered to £100 if paid within 14 days. This fine is then doubled to £400 for a second offence, with fines continuing to double for each further offence up to a maximum of £6,400.

Speaking about the introduction of the new restrictions and North Yorkshire Police’s approach, Superintendent Mike Walker, said:

"Under these new regulations, if you are outside of your home without a reasonable excuse, or gathering indoors or outdoors with others, the police can take enforcement action against you and you can be fined up to £200.
"The new restrictions mean that people should only leave home where necessary; for essential shopping, to work if you cannot work from home, to exercise locally with only one other person outside your household, to meet your support bubble or childcare bubble, to seek medical assistance, to avoid harm or to attend education or childcare if eligible. "Rules around indoor and outdoor social gatherings have been strengthened further and people should not be meeting socially with anyone outside of their household or support bubble."
https://twitter.com/NYorksPolice/status/1347153040198037505 Superintendent Mike Walker added:
"To those who do not live locally, who were thinking of making a journey or day-trip to North Yorkshire to access our open spaces, I would ask you not to make that journey. You should stay close to home and exercise in your own local area. "If you travel further than is essential, you are putting yourself and those communities you visit at risk of contracting this virus. So please, stay in your own local area. "Our patrol plans have been revised and we have increased our presence and visibility, to provide reassurance to our communities. Members of the public will see us on the roads and patrolling local areas and beauty spots. "We will continue to follow our now well-established 4 e’s approach – engaging with the public, explaining the rules, encouraging adherence and enforcing where necessary and proportionate to do so."
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