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Harrogate's Naughty Elf returns to the North Pole

Harrogate's Naughty Elf has made his return to the North Pole having wreaked havoc around Harrogate for the past two weeks.

Harrogate's Naughty Elf has made his return to the North Pole having wreaked havoc around Harrogate for the past two weeks. Harry the Elf was part of Harrogate BID's (Business Improvement District) campaign to get people into Harrogate town centre and supporting local businesses. And now it seems his mischief is over as he has returned to the North Pole in preparation for the big day! We take a look back at his journey around Harrogate and revisit some of his mischievous acts... Friday 11th December - Yorkshire Hotel The Naughty Elf kicked off his visit to Harrogate at The Yorkshire Hotel - getting himself stuck when helping the hotel with their Christmas lights! Luckily the fire service were on hand to get him down... [caption id="attachment_4464" align="alignnone" width="2560"] The Naughty Elf got himself stuck in the lights at The Yorkshire Hotel before being rescued by the fire service![/caption] Saturday 12th December - Cafe M The Naughty Elf must've fancied a coffee, as his next destination was Cafe M in Harrogate Town centre! We sent Nick to find out what he's up to, but he couldn't find him... https://www.facebook.com/103167384834511/videos/231928724965212 Sunday 13th December - Bettys They say you can't come to Harrogate without visiting Betty's, and it seems the Naughty Elf shared that thought! The 12ft elf couldn't avoid the gaze of a few passersby as they caught him scoffing a fat rascal... https://twitter.com/urban_apartment/status/1339255654410833920 Monday 14th December - Spirit of Harrogate The Naughty Elf's next destination was the Spirit of Harrogate on Montpellier Parade as he sat sipping a rather large cup of Rhubarb gin! A central location for people to spot on their way into town, there were plenty of elf-ies this day! https://twitter.com/slingsbysocial/status/1338112139408633866 Friday 18th December - Everyman Cinema After a short break in which he returned to the North Pole (or so they say...), the Naughty Elf returned to mess around with the sign at Everyman Cinema! Having jumbled up the letters, the elf posed for photos whilst chomping on a big bag of popcorn. [caption id="attachment_4722" align="aligncenter" width="2336"] The mischievous elf rearranged the lettering at Everyman Cinema whilst eating popcorn![/caption] Saturday 19th December - Primark Who can resist visiting Primark during the festive season? Certainly not the Harrogate Elf! He was spotted in a 'prime' location within Harrogate Town Centre with less than a week until Christmas Day. https://twitter.com/BidHarrogate/status/1340233152665628674 Sunday 20th December - Piazza, Victoria Shopping Centre The Naughty Elf returned to the Victoria Shopping Centre for some Christmas music and it looked like he worked out how to untangle the Christmas lights! He was spotted dancing away in the Piazza opposite Harrogate Train Station and was quite the spectacle when it got dark on Sunday evening. https://twitter.com/emmjhnsn/status/1340695180417126406 Monday 21st December - Harrogate Theatre On his penultimate day in Harrogate, the Naughty Elf snuck into Harrogate Theatre and it looks like he got into the pantomime prop box! https://twitter.com/HGtheatre/status/1341043439077634048 Tuesday 22nd December - Bradleys, Prospect Crescent And if the Naughty Elf wasn't mischievous enough - he ended his stay in Harrogate by robbing a bank! He was spotted with a bag full of swag outside Bradley's in Prospect Crescent and looking particularly happy with himself... https://twitter.com/BidHarrogate/status/1341368259426340864 And that was it for the Naughty Elf's visit to Harrogate this December! If you caught a sight of him and tweeted a s-elfie using the hashtag #harrogateelf, keep an eye on the Harrogate BID social channels as they'll be announcing the two best photos to win £100 Harrogate gift cards! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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