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Harrogate woman ups fundraising efforts for NHS staff who saved her father's life

A Harrogate woman is continuing her fundraising efforts for Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity after NHS staff saved her father's life.

A Harrogate woman is continuing her fundraising efforts for Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity after NHS staff saved her father's life. Victoria Read launched the 'HG Covid Appeal' last month to raise £10,000 for the charity when her father was admitted to hospital with Covid-19 and was branded 'the poorliest man in Harrogate.' He then spent three months in hospital and was placed in an induced coma and on a ventilator, before he was eventually able to return home in January. And to thank staff for saving her father's life, Victoria has continued her fundraising efforts and is set to launch the 'HG Charity Sale' this weekend. Victoria said:

"The reason I started the appeal was because my dad was in ICU for three months with Covid-19 and received the most amazing care from the medical professionals and all the staff at Harrogate Hospital. "We're raising funds via various different campaigns, namely the HG Charity Sale on Facebook, with the aim of raising £10,000 for Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity who use the money for equipment, training and some really lovely charitable initiatives for the local community."
https://twitter.com/CovidHg/status/1363955400526229507?s=20 HG Charity Sale Victoria's latest fundraising campaign will start this Saturday (27th February) and will allow people to bid for items placed on sale via Facebook. Having already received various donations for the HG Charity Sale, including personal training sessions, horse-riding lessons, luxury hampers and photography sessions, the online auction encourages people to bid against each other, with the highest bid by 5pm on Sunday winning the item. There are set to be four weekly sales launching each Saturday, with all donations going directly to Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity. Having already raised just under £3,000 since starting the HG Covid Appeal last month, Victoria has been so pleased with the response:
"The response has been absolutely amazing so far. People have been so generous and not just friends and family but the wider Harrogate community. "I think at any given time in your life you're going to need assistance from the hospital, whether that's having a child or through illness, and during the pandemic our hospitals have been so much more relied upon. I think the campaign has really touched a few people."
Victoria added:
"We only launched the HG Covid Appeal just over a month ago and we've already raised almost £3,000 - so we're hoping to hit our target by England's 'Independence Day' on 21st June! We're on track to reach it if we can keep up the momentum - plus we've got lots of initiatives coming in the future!"
Find out more about the HG Charity Sale which will be taking place via Facebook on Saturday 27th February from 10am. If you'd like to donate an item for auction, email Victoria on: hgcovidappeal@gmail.com If you'd like to support the HG Covid Appeal, find the fundraising page here, with all donations going directly to Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity for life-changing services, equipment and training. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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