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Harrogate Theatre unveil plans for essential works to replace 120-year-old roof

Plans have been unveiled to replace the 120-year-old original roof on Harrogate Theatre and ensure the longevity of the building.

Plans have been unveiled to replace the 120-year-old original roof on the Harrogate Theatre building.

Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet will meet at the end of the month to discuss the work which would ensure the longevity of the building and safety for staff and audiences.

As well as the roof, repairs would be carried out to the windows and guttering to make sure that the building is fit for another 120 years.

If agreed, it would maintain Harrogate Theatre as a centre of excellence for the arts in the Harrogate community, with works possibly starting as early as May.

David Bown, Chief Executive Harrogate Theatre (White Rose) Theatre Trust, said:

"We are extremely excited to be reconnecting with our audiences out in the community, whilst the theatre is being much improved and made safer for our return.

"We’re working closely with Harrogate Borough Council to minimise disruption and relocate events where possible and we look forward to hosting live events back at the theatre as soon as we can."

Stanley Lumley, Harrogate Borough Council cabinet member for culture, tourism and sport said:

"Harrogate Theatre brings so much joy to all those who attend the wonderful range of performances it has hosted for some 120 years.

"However, all buildings need maintenance, and the theatre is no exception. We are planning to invest over a £1million this year to allow these fantastic performances to continue.

"These are significant works to any building, especially one on that is a triangle shape, a listed building and on a hill!

"Working with the theatre we’re aiming to get most of the works undertaken when the theatre would be closed over the summer.

"We will also be looking to help accommodate performances in the Royal Hall, Harrogate Convention Centre Auditorium and our community centres if required."

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