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Ricky Durkin

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Harrogate school's 'Pudsey Plod' to fundraise for Children in Need

Killinghall Primary School have asked their children to complete as many 'walked laps' around their playground as possible.

A Harrogate primary school have taken on a sponsored 'Pudsey Plod' to raise money for Children in Need. Killinghall Primary School have asked their children to complete as many 'walked laps' around their playground as possible. So far the children have been able to raise a total of £347 - and counting! Mrs Bassitt, Headteacher at Killinghall Primary, said:

"All the children in school have an allocated half hour class slot to complete as many 'walked laps' of the playground as possible. "So far we have a class conga, skipping in groups, a whole line holding hands... and lots of smiles and laughter! "We set £250 as our target to raise but have already smashed that with the total currently standing at £347."
[gallery columns="4" ids="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DSCF0928-scaled.jpg|,https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DSCF0938-scaled.jpg|,https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DSCF0939-scaled.jpg|,https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/IMG_3461-scaled.jpg|"] Children were also asked to attend the school in brightly coloured non-uniform today (Friday) to celebrate Children in Need. It's been a busy day for Killinghall Primary School as they've also been involved in the third 'Walk to School Day' organised by Zero Carbon Harrogate. The school have a designated 'eco-committee' to ensure classes and teachers are turning off their lights and being as efficient as possible. Class teacher Miss Daniel said:
"Our eco-committee children are very passionate and won't let anyone get in the way of them caring for the environment! "They children have really got on board with Walk to School Day and in the first one we came second [for amount of children taking part] and we're determined to try and beat that."
Year 5 student Dylan said:
"It will help the environment because when there are cars and lots of vehicles, they produce gases and use too much petrol and diesel. "Walking saves energy and its a lot better because it's not polluting the air."
Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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