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Free hot meals being served up in Ripon

The Ripon Community Poppy Project are working to provide free hot meals for school children and families in need this half term. The group, spearheaded by Harrogate Mayor Stuart Martin, have received donations of food and funds from the community and are working out of Ripon's Girlguiding Headquarters Hazel House. Free hot meals will be provided between 12-2pm every weekday during half term, with visitors asked to book a timeslot the day before to ensure the project is Covid-safe. [caption id="attachment_2765" align="alignright" width="1600"] Hazel House in Ripon[/caption] Speaking about the project after day one, Stuart Martin said:

"Although we didn't have as many visitors as we'd hoped, we had 12 children, at the end of the day if we only fed one child it would've been worth doing. "We also managed to send some food home with the parents, so we've fed four adults as well."
Hazel Barker, who was Area Catering Manager for North Yorkshire County Council and is in charge of the hot meals at Hazel House, said:
"We just wanted to make sure that there were no hungry children in Ripon this half term when we could do something about it. "We've had lots of food donated, and today we served sausages, chips and mixed vegetables... We also had apples donated, so served homemade apple crumble and custard. "I thoroughly enjoy cooking the meals - I'm in my element in the kitchen!"
The free hot meals are being served at Hazel House every weekday during half term, from 12-2pm. If you'd like to attend, call April Martin on 07855 802 373 to book your timeslot. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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