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Five hidden gems in Knaresborough

Knaresborough offers plenty of scenic strolls, magnificent views and hidden gems - so here's five we think are well worth a visit.

We all know Knaresborough as a beautiful place to live or to visit, but the town is also steeped in tradition and history! Knaresborough offers plenty of scenic strolls, magnificent views and hidden gems - so here's five we think are well worth a visit: Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag [caption id="attachment_2963" align="alignnone" width="1536"] The Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag[/caption] This shrine was built over 600 years ago by John the Mason and has now become somewhat of a tourist attraction. The story goes that John saw how a rock falling in the quarry was about to kill his son, so he prayed to the Virgin Mary to save him. Miraculously, the rock changed directions and his son was saved - so John built this chapel in her name! Knaresborough’s Town Windows [caption id="attachment_2956" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Has Banksy moved to Knaresborough?[/caption] You might have noticed a few characters hanging out of the windows around Knaresborough - but no, Banksy has not moved to the north! These artworks dotted around town illustrate the town's history, with different characters and events depicted through colourful displays. This project was devised and managed by Renaissance Knaresborough, and there is even an official guide to all the work here. Knaresborough River Walk [caption id="attachment_2960" align="aligncenter" width="768"] You can't beat a picturesque two-mile walk along the River Nidd.[/caption] There's a lot going on in the world at the moment, but it's easy to forget it all with a picturesque walk along the River Nidd. If you start at Knaresborough Castle, the walk is just under two miles to the nearby Conyngham Hall, which offers visitors a chance to explore trails, parkland and gardens. Mother Shipton's Cave [caption id="attachment_2962" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Mother Shipton's Cave tells the story of Mother Shipton and the Petrifying Well.[/caption] Okay so this one isn't so much 'hidden' - but it's still a gem! Mother Shipton's Cave is the birthplace of the famous prophetess, and it's quite the sight if you've never been. The park, which is the home to Mother Shipton's Cave and the Petrifying Well, tells the story of Mother Shipton and how the waters can petrify objects and turn them into stone. It's well worth a visit when it's safe to do so! St Robert's Cave [caption id="attachment_2965" align="aligncenter" width="933"] St Roberts Cave: Could you imagine living in there?[/caption] Known for his charity to the poor and destitute, St Robert of Knaresborough (c. 1160 – 1218) attracted followers wherever he settled - but he soon ran into trouble with the Constable of Knaresborough Castle, William de Stuteville. As a result, Robert came to live in a cave by the river Nidd. Giving in to public opinion, the Constable of the castle granted Robert a piece of land and he lived in the cave for the rest of his life, with a chapel built nearby. So that's it for our hidden gems around Knaresborough - we all know of the town's beauty, but it's also steeped in tradition and history! Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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