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Andrew Jones MP heartened by Harrogate care provider’s vaccination progress

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, has recognised the rapid roll out of Covid-19 vaccinations at Carefound Home Care.

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, has recognised the rapid roll out of Covid-19 vaccinations at Carefound Home Care. As a provider of specialist home care services to older people the Covid-19 vaccination programme is vital for the team at Carefound Home Care who provide hourly visiting care in Harrogate, Ripon and Wetherby and full-time live-in care across Yorkshire. Their local team has gone to great lengths to support their carers and elderly clients to have their vaccine and, as a result, 97% of their staff and 100% of their clients in Yorkshire have now been vaccinated or have an appointment booked. Andrew Jones, MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, said:

“Vaccination is our way out of the pandemic and it is so heartening to see that staff at Carefound Home Care have embraced that message. More than anyone, staff working in the care sector know just how much isolation and Covid have affected the elderly and their relatives. It has been, and is still, a difficult time and we have seen too many casualties of this pandemic.” “Every shot in the arm, particularly among the caring professions and the vulnerable, helps us inch nearer to the normality we all crave. So it is a big thank you from all of us to the Carefound Home Care team and to the NHS staff and volunteers who support the vaccination programme.”
Tina Langshaw, a senior carer at Carefound Home Care in Harrogate, said:
"Initially I was undecided about having the Covid-19 vaccine but you do not know how the virus would develop if you were to catch it hence I chose to have it.” “Hopefully things get better this year and maybe we can even see our friends again soon!"
Mrs Joy Gunn, a client of Carefound Home Care who lives in Harrogate, said:
"I feel more protected and am looking forward to having my second one in the next couple of weeks. “I saw the Queen this morning saying everyone should have it and I'm with the Royals - if it’s good enough for our Queen I’s good enough for me.” “I’m thankful for the support I receive and for being helped by my carer to take me for my vaccine."
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