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5 ways we’re going to help you in lockdown!

As the Harrogate district starts a third lockdown with schools, hospitality and many other local businesses shutting their doors until at least February, we wanted to let you know that we are here to help. Now more than ever we need some of our famous Yorkshire grit and community spirit to bring people together - even if that is virtually rather than in person! Here are 5 ways Your Harrogate wants to help you during this lockdown: 1. Local Business Support We all benefit from a brilliant thriving economy in the Harrogate district and we all need to play our part in supporting that. If the business you own or work in is changing to ‘Click and Collect,’ online only or takeaway - LET US KNOW! We can spread the word on our website and social media feeds. 2. Local Community Support In the original lockdown there were some amazing local initiatives, from Harrogate Scrubbers to the Knaresborough Delivers scheme. If you are helping people in the community do let us know so we can share your story! 3. Making you smile If you need cheering up or if you feel like hearing a happy voice to keep you company, listen to our daily podcast with Nick Hancock. If you’d like to be featured on a Podcast or maybe you’d like a birthday or wedding anniversary mention just email Nick@yourharrogate.co.uk! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN. 4. Good news shares The national news is going to be all doom and gloom for the next few weeks but we know there are always wonderful bright sparks of positivity in the Harrogate district, from acts of kindness to people going the extra mile. We will bring you good news from the local area every day! 5. Entertainment for all the family We know you’ll need a bit of light relief during this lockdown and we will have everything from prizes for grown-ups to quizzes for kids. Keep an eye online but also on our social media feeds on a daily basis! Finally, if we can help you at all or if you have something that might help others, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today: nick@yourharrogate.co.uk Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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