13-year-old Riley-Summer, who has had a difficult year with her health, has been selected as our latest recipient of a special surprise.
Harrogate girl receives special surprise from Secret Santa Another Your Harrogate listener has received an extra Christmas gift following a visit from our Secret Santa. We teamed up with Vida Healthcare for a special festive competition in which we asked you to nominate someone who deserves an extra Christmas gift this year. And a 13-year-old Harrogate girl who has had a tough year was selected as our latest recipient of a special surprise. Riley-Summer Wiggins has a form of kidney disease which means her kidneys leak protein. She had been in remission until the beginning of this year but has since been in and out of hospital and has had several stints in Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) to receive treatment. Riley-Summer is now on new medication for her condition, but it can have some side negative effects that affect her appearance, resulting in a drop in confidence. But Riley’s dad, Ben, nominated his daughter to receive a luxurious Cloud 9 hair straightener set to help give her a boost - and Santa delivered! He told Your Harrogate’s Nick Hancock:
“Riley has spent a lot of time in hospital with different types of medication to see if it would do the job it needed to do, but unfortunately it hasn’t. “At one point we thought she would be on dialysis this year, but luckily the medication has started to take effect. “The only problem is, the medication has some side effects that can affect her in different ways and it can be really hard for her when she looks ‘poorly,’ especially at high school age. “It’s knocked her confidence a lot, so we wanted to give her something that would help boost her confidence as she loves doing her hair and doing her makeup. “She’s a brilliant young person, we love her to bits and we’re really proud of her.”Riley-Summer said:
“It’s been really hard and I’ve spent a lot of time in hospital but they’ve put me on different medication and I’m getting better.”Listen to the call in full as Your Harrogate’s Nick Hancock spoke to both Ben and Riley-Summer: [audio mp3="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/riley.mp3"][/audio] A special thanks to our friends at Vida Healthcare for making our Secret Santa competition possible. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.