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Ripon mergers and acquisitions specialists launch community fund

A Ripon company specialising in mergers and acquisition has launched a community fund to benefit local communities.

A Ripon company specialising in mergers and acquisition has launched a community fund and aims to provide grants of up to £3,000 twice a year. 'The Retiring Group', based at Ripon's Highfield Business Park, is committing one per cent of its annual turnover to assist the fundraising activities of charities and good causes. Headed by Stephen Hagues, The Retiring Group initially worked exclusively in the financial sector, but last year diversified into the world of dentistry. Stephen said:

"The effect the Covid pandemic has had on local communities, and in particular its impact on groups aiming to raise funds, has spurred us to launch The Retiring Group Community Fund. "Another reason is because we hold ourselves accountable to our mission statement, ‘helping where we can feel a real contribution can be made across the UK’. And this is backed up by the business holding gentle, but undeviating, Christian principles. "We are committing one per cent of our turnover to this fund, which will equate to somewhere between £20,000 and £30,000 being available for organisations to draw from. "Our intention is to give individual grants of up to £3,000, twice a year, in September and March."
For the last few years, the company had been a member of a Yorkshire hospice’s Guild of Patrons scheme, and also inspired tens of thousands of children across the north and Scotland with its ‘Dare to Dream’ free school seminars. Mr Hagues said that his team would be at the heart of the new Community Fund, and they will decide which groups would receive a grant. He added:
"We want to hear from the likes of schools and youth organisations who are nearing the end of a fundraising campaign, and require a few thousand pounds to help them over line. "Others we want to hear from may need financial support to purchase new equipment, or to replace existing equipment. The only thing we won’t fund are capital projects, wages and payments to individuals. "We look forward to receiving applications and presenting our first grants later this year."
Further information about The Retiring Group’s Community Fund can be found at https://www.retiring-dentist.co.uk/charitygrant.php Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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